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shaping successjourneys
At BELOBABA, we believe in empowering people to take control of their financial futures. Our mission is to support the growth and success of people and businesses around the world creating new opportunities for them thanks to the education and technology.

About Us

We strive to bring traditional finance and digital assets together to create a new kind of digital bank. Our focus is on financial self-sovereignty, where technology works for you and empowers you to focus on the things you love. Join us at BELOBABA and elevate your financial freedom today.

Our Team

  • Lluís Mas
    Founder & Chairman
  • Natalia Beloni
    Founder & Corporate Director
  • Pau Roig
  • Daniel Hernández
  • Mr Shohid Miah
  • Rashid Alameri
    Advisory Board
  • Ahmad Zaid
    Advisory Board
  • Dr. Sonia Saleem
    Advisory Board
  • Rubén Dianaz
    Client Relation Manager
  • Miquel Roig
    Artificial Intelligence
  • Jesús Bermejo
    Global Expansion Manager
  • Alfredo Escalon
    Advisor & Growth
  • Stewart Noble
    Advisor & Growth
  • Paul Mena Zapata
    Advisor Latam & International Lawyer
  • Enrique Lemarroy
    USA & Mexico Country Manager
  • Javier Fornieles
    Private Banker
  • Victor Maldonado
    International Lawyer

Our Partners

1. Values

we prioritize integrity, transparency, and trust in all our relationships.

2. Technology

We leverage cutting-edge technology to create innovative solutions that empower our clients.

shaping   success   journeys  

3. Education

We are committed to providing education and resources to help our clients improve their financial literacy.

4. Inclusion

We believe that everyone deserves access to the same financial opportunities, regardless of their background or status.